WOD 3 . 16 . 20
If you feel more comfortable working out outside of group classes , you can come outside of class time and do the workouts indepently. Open gym is anytime outside of group class times. Have fun , be safe , and we can get through this safely. Here is also a quick home workout if you like
Home WOD 1
10 rounds
8 push ups
10 alternating walking lunges
12 situps
Group classes will proceed as usual
For time
Run 500m run
50 wall balls
400m run
40 deadlifts 185 / 125
250m run
30 pullups (no butterfly). kipping or strict is ok.
100m run
20 burpee box jumps over 24 / 20
( warm up your run , then do a couple reps of each movement , slowly adding weight to your deadlift ).