Melanie ( left ) with her swolemate Kristi ( right )
Happy Birthday Melanie!
Melanie, started from square one with us about a year ago! One of the bravest athletes I have ever coached. Even though starting her fitness journey with little experience and a long way to go – she kept at it. She pushed everyday. Got back up and came back. Again and again! Day after day and WOD after WOD she was humbled but not broken. She kept at it and has shown tremendous improvement in all categories. She’s lost weight. Increased strength , improved her mobility. Competed in girls gone RX and even leads a squat session in her day job of an RN. If you see her tell her how dope she is and Happy Birthday! She truly is an inspiration for anyone in our ranks I am super proud of her and all she has accomplished at CrossTown. Have a great day and a great WOD.
WOD 2 . 28 . 18
” Melanie 55 ”
5 Rounds
11 Deadlifts 225 / 155
23 Situps
55 Double unders