WOD 11.1.19
WOD 10 . 30 . 19 A. 10 x 2 front squat from the rack OT2M , building B. Cash out Run 400m 80 wall balls Run 100m
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WOD 10 . 29 . 19 AMRAP 5 10 power cleans 95 / 65 10 pull ups rest 3 minutes AMRAP 5 7 power cleans 135 / 85 7 ctb pull ups rest 3 minutes amrap 5 4 power cleans 165 / 115 4 bar muscle ups Scale as necessary , so you can get
WOD 10 . 28 . 19 Buy in 800m Run or 1000m Row 3 rounds 50 situps 30 OHS 75 / 55 15 burpee box jumps 30 / 24 Cash out 800 m run or 1000m row ( start with row or run , but do the other for the cash out )
WOD 10 – 24 – 19 EMOM 21 minute 1 : bike 10 cals minute 2 : run 100m minute 3 : 15 russian KBS
WOD 10 – 23 – 19 A. build to heavy power clean and push jerk 7 rounds 7 power clean 165 / 115 7 push jerk 165 / 115 7 box jumps 30 / 24
WOD 10 – 22 – 19 10 sets of 2 rep backsquat building B. Cash out EMOM 12 odd : row 15 / 12 calories even : 10m handstand walk or 20 sec handstand hold or 30 sec plank
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