Cleaning Cindy
WOD 4 . 20 . 18 A. Work up to a heavy power clean in 10 min B. AMRAP 13 Power Clean 1 , 2 , 3, 4, 5, ETC After each set perform 1 Round of Cindy : 5 pull ups ( scale 5 ring rows ) 10 push ups 15 squats Use 155 […]
WOD 4 . 20 . 18 A. Work up to a heavy power clean in 10 min B. AMRAP 13 Power Clean 1 , 2 , 3, 4, 5, ETC After each set perform 1 Round of Cindy : 5 pull ups ( scale 5 ring rows ) 10 push ups 15 squats Use 155 […]
Remember to sign up for the Cops for Cancer – even if you are going to just judge or get a shirt , still sign up so we can can get a head count. I strongly encourage everyone to sign up though! You may be nervous now, but I promise you will be pumped you
Please sign up for our Cops for Cancer – even if you do not want to WORKOUT, so we can order the right number of shirts. WOD 4 / 17 / 18 A. Snatch Party 4 min EMOM x 4 reps Snatch Rest 1 min 4 min EMOM x 3 reps Snatch Rest 1 min
Do not forget to sign up for the cops for cancer wod and also keep away from the sugar. This challenge is only a couple weeks long so every workout and meal critical. WOD 4 . 16 . 18 A. Back Squat 8 sets of 3 reps Back Squat On the 2 minute. Work up
WOD 4 . 13 . 18 A. 3 Hang power clean EMOM 10 min B. 14 AMRAP 4 Hang Cleans 135 / 85 7 Ring Dips ( scale with straight bar no band, then ring with band ) 28 Double unders
If you have never done a CrossFit comp before, this is the best one to start with: perform in your box with a less – competitive atmosphere than normal comps. WOD 4 . 12 . 18 ” Go Go Gadget ” 20 min AMRAP Run 250m 100 ft walking lunges 2 Rope Climbs
Sign up for this … Now ! WOD 4 . 11 . 18 ” Cooper ” Amrap 2 Row 25 / 21 Calories (Scale – 15 / 12 calories ) 20 Deadlifts 185 / 125 ( scale 20 deadlifts 135 / 85 ) 15 Toes to bar ( scale 15 knees raises )
Please sign up for our charity Cops Against Cancer Here : WOD April 10 . 2018 A. Push Press 5 – 5 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 B. ” Dean ” 3 Rounds for time Run 400m 21 KB Swings 12 R DB Push Press
Thank you to everyone that encouraged and thanked me for completing the CrossFit Level 3 ! It has been a goal of mine for 2018 and I passed on the first try. whew. The test is very thorough ( 4 hours ) from watching videos of bad form , programming practices, nutrition, science and anatomy