If you are participating in the fitness challenge, don’t forget we are 3 weeks away from retesting. It goes by fast. Hopefully you have built up some strength for those thrusters in the Rain Maker WOD we will re – test. Or built up some running endurance for the mile run. By now, you should have made some good positive changes to your eating habits. Eating to fuel your body and not for social pleasures. Consistency is key. Just because you came 5x for 1 week doesn’t shake a stick at what you are doing this week. Fitness is earned through the efforts of CONTINUOUS hard work. Keep it up. Post to the comments below any good ideas, successes or good information for the rest of the community. Lets finish strong.
WOD 9. 7 . 17
Boulders for Shoulders
Press 1 -1 -1 -1 -1, build to 1 rm
Push Press 2 – 2 – 2 -2 -2 build to 2 rm
Push Jerk 3 – 3 – 3 – 3- 3 build to 3 rm
Score heaviest Press, Push press double , and push jerk triple