WOD 1 – 10 – 22
Remember , ( write down ) how you did this workout exactly so you can repeat it at the end of the fitness challenge.
Dunk lady will be here today to test your Body fat. It is $99 for 2 body fat tests ( beginning and end ) , its $219 if you want a coach to provide added programming 3x a week for open gym , nutrition accountability and macro tracking. Once we know your resting metabolic rate from the dunk, there is no more guessing on how to lose body fat and gain lean muscle simultaneously. The science is easy and if you are up for it , we can show you how.
Fitness Challenge WOD
For time
Run 400m
40 wall balls 20 / 14
run 400m
30 toes to bar
run 400m
20 cleans 135 / 95
run 400m
10 burpees