Fitness Challenge starts today! Make sure you come to a class or an open gym time and do the workout. Also remember to bring a towel if you plan on dunking. For the challenge, it is $100 and includes the price of the dunks both pre and post. If you have any questions about nutrition or extra programming, I can be reached at – please do not hesitate to email about anything. I am here to help. Time to make those gainz count!
Remember these numbers are the baseline. After today , we get focused. We eat real food, we do crossfit and watch the magic of fitness transpire as body fat melts away and lean muscle appears out of thin air.
WOD 11 . 14 . 17
Five rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
30 Box jump, 24/20 inch box
30 Wall ball shots, 20 / 14 pound ball
30 min cap ( finish the round you are on when 30 min hits )
27:38 – RX
27:38 – RX
27:38 – RX