We are doing a sweat shirt order. $50.00. These are nice 80 / 20 tri blend, soft , sweatshirts. Charcoal grey with white letters. We are only doing a pre – order for these, there will not be any extra order. make sure you sign up on the whiteboard. The image above, just shows the logo, the sweatshirt itself will be more triblend and darker grey.
WOD 11 . 16 . 17
” Row Row Row your Bell ”
For time
500m Row
50 Alternating DB Snatch 50 / 35
500m Row
50 One arm DB OHS 50 / 35
500m Row
50 one arm DB push press 50 / 35
15:00 – RX
15:00 – RX
15:00 – RX