WOD 8 – 10 – 21
run 800m
40 double unders
20 db snatch 50 / 35
10 bar muscle ups ( scale with jumping bar muscle ups )
Run 400m
10 bar muscle ups
20 db snatch
40 double unders
run 800m
WOD 8 – 10 – 21
run 800m
40 double unders
20 db snatch 50 / 35
10 bar muscle ups ( scale with jumping bar muscle ups )
Run 400m
10 bar muscle ups
20 db snatch
40 double unders
run 800m
5260 Bonsai Avenue F Moorpark, CA 93021
(805) 222-7024
5260 Bonsai Avenue F Moorpark, CA 93021
(805) 222-7024