830 class only ! But the WOD is ran like OPEN GYM , where you can come and start whenever you are ready. Try and start by 11 am. Gym will be open till around 12 ish!
I have an awesome Christmas sweater to wear ! Hope you do too!
” 12 Days of Christmas “
100 m Run
2 Shoulder to overhead
3 Front Squats
4 Power cleans
5 Toes to rings
6 Burpees to target
8 Pull ups
9 Wall Balls
10 Box Jumps
11 calorie bike
12 power snatch
USE a 135 / 95 barbell
The WOD goes like the song,
100m run ,
then 2 shoulder to overhead and 100m run
then 3 front squat , 2 shoulder to overhead , and 100m run
then 4 …3..2..1, etc all the way to 12 – 1