WOD 11 . 17 . 17 ” Ethanol ” For time 21 – 18 – 15 – 9 Hang Power Clean 115 / 75 Burpees over the bar
WOD 11 . 17 . 17 ” Ethanol ” For time 21 – 18 – 15 – 9 Hang Power Clean 115 / 75 Burpees over the bar
We are doing a sweat shirt order. $50.00. These are nice 80 / 20 tri blend, soft , sweatshirts. Charcoal grey with white letters. We are only doing a pre – order for these, there will not be any extra order. make sure you sign up on the whiteboard. The image above, just shows
Row Row Row Your Bell Read More »
WOD 11. 15 . 17 ” The Gymnasty chipper ” Accumulate 1 min L hold from pull up bar 80 Double unders 60 situps 40 Pull ups 20 Hand Stand Push Ups 1 min l hold from pull up bar 20 Hand Stand Push ups 40 pull ups 60 situps 80 double unders 1 min
Fitness Challenge starts today! Make sure you come to a class or an open gym time and do the workout. Also remember to bring a towel if you plan on dunking. For the challenge, it is $100 and includes the price of the dunks both pre and post. If you have any questions about nutrition
11. 13 . 17 “Macho Man Randy Savage ” EMOM x 6 3 Power cleans 3 Front Squats 3 Push jerks Rest 3 min and add weight EMOM x 6 min 2 Power cleans 2 Front Squats 2 Push jerks Rest 3 min and add weight EMOM x 6 min 1 Power cleans 1 Front
Wod 11.10.17 A snatch 4-3-2-1-1-1-1 building to heavy single B “Randy” 75 snatches for time 75/55 Randy Simmons, 51, a 27 year LAPD veteran and SWAT team member was killed February 7 in the line of duty. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Officer Simmons’ wife and two children.
WOD 11 . 8 . 17 A. Push Jerk 3 Rep max from the ground. B. ” Jerk Biathlon ” 400m Run 18 Push Jerks 155 / 95 400m Run 15 Push Jerks 155 / 95 400m Run 12 Push Jerks 155 / 95 Each time the athlete breaks a set of jerks they must
WOD 11 . 7 . 17 “Barbara” Five rounds, each for time of: 20 Pull-ups 30 Push-ups 40 Sit-ups 50 Squats Rest precisely three minutes between each round.
WOD 11 . 6 . 17 A. Build to a heavy deadlift triple B. “Zombie Circus” For time 21 deadlifts 185 / 125 21 toes to bar 21 burpees over bar 15 deadlifts 185 / 125 15 toes to bar 15 burpees over bar 9 deadlifts 185 / 125 9 toes to bar 9 burpees