10 . 18 . 19
WOD 10 . 17 . 19 Rotate each with a partner or rest 1:1 HoV Lane 4 sets of 250m row each 4 sets of 250m run each 4 sets of 25 double unders each 2 sets of 500m row EACH 2 sets of 400m run each 2 sets of 50 double unders each
HOV lane ( Motion is lotion ) Read More »
WOD 10 . 16 .19 Run 400m 10 Rounds 5 wall balls 3 pull ups 1 power clean 185 / 125 Run 400m 5 Rounds 5 wall balls 3 pull ups 1 power clean 185 / 125
WOD 10 . 15 . 19 4 min EMOM x 4 reps front squat Rest 1 min 4 min EMOM x 3 reps rest 1 min 4 min EMOM x 2 reps rest 1 min 4 min EMOM x 1 rep No Rack , add weight each round B. 12 min ABS 3 rounds 1
WOD 10 . 14 . 19 10 Rounds 10 Push Press 115 / 75 10 KBS 53 / 35 10 Box jumps 24 / 20 20 min cap
WOD 10 . 10 . 19 3 rounds Row 500m Run 500m 50 Dubs
Mario Cart ( Motion is lotion ) Read More »
WOD 10 . 9 . 19 10 Rounds every 3 minutes 10 calorie bike 10 toes to bar 10 push press 115 / 75
WOD 10 . 8 . 19 A. 5 sets Practice Handstand walks 20 sec. 20 second rest practice l sit 20 seconds rest 20 seconds B. Hearts on Fire AMRAP 13 40 calorie row 30 HSPU 30 deadlifts 185 / 125
WOD 10 . 7 . 19 CROSSFIT OPEN starts this week. one WOD a week for 5 weeks. Have fun , work hard. ask the coaches if you have any questions. Bride of Chucky AMRAP 18 3 squat cleans 155 / 105 6 ctb pull ups 9 push ups