Mono Gone Wild
WOD 2 . 15 . 21 9 x 2 min rounds, rest 1 min Every round starts with 250m run buy in , then max reps in remaining 2 min. Round 1 – Cals bike Round 2 – burpee Round 3 – wall ball repeat for 3 total cycles. score total reps at end.
WOD 2 . 15 . 21 9 x 2 min rounds, rest 1 min Every round starts with 250m run buy in , then max reps in remaining 2 min. Round 1 – Cals bike Round 2 – burpee Round 3 – wall ball repeat for 3 total cycles. score total reps at end.
WOD 2 . 12 . 21 AMRAP 5 10 wall ball 10 sumo deadlift high pull 95 / 65 Rest 3 min AMRAP 5 10 wall ball 10 box jumps 24 / 20 rest 3 min AMRAP 5 10 box jumps 10 sumo deadlift high pull 95 / 65
WOD 2 . 11 . 21 AMRAP 14 50 cal row 40 toes to bar 30 burpees to target 20 power cleans 155 / 105 10 ring muscle ups ( scale with 20 pull ups )
WOD 2 . 10 . 21 4 rounds for time Run 250m 15 hang snatch 75 / 55 Row 250m 15 Overhead squats 75 / 55
WOD 2 . 8 . 21 A. Power clean emom 3 min x 5 reps 4 min x 3 reps 5 min x 1 reps B. Cash out AMRAP 10 35 situps 10 m handstand walk / 30 seconds wall hold / 30 seconds plank hold
2 . 5 . 21 10 rounds 3 snatch 155 / 95 Odd : 10 pistols / 10 lunges even : 10 burpees over the bar
2 . 4 . 21 4 min amrap / rest 2 min / 4 rounds 8 DB step overs Single arm DB 6 Devils press Single arm DB 8 Cal row / bike
2 . 2. 21 A. 3 sets of 8 steps overhead walking lunges B. 4 sets of 6 front rack lunges c. partner amrap 15 share 50 cals share 50 toes to bar