2nd ANNUAL CrossTown TOY DRIVE – Bring a toy in the gym this week. Saturday at 830 am , we will have a big group workout to celebrate. Toys will be donated to the Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles. Any Toy for any age is appreciated. Unwrapped. Unopened. Last year we had over 50 Toys , this year I would like to double it and get over 100 Kids something to smile about!
WOD 12 . 12 . 17
Back Squat
5 – 5 – 5 – 5 – 5
On the 2 minute. Build to heavy 5 rep
Cash Out : AB-Which
Accumulate 50 seconds of L Hold.
25 V Ups
25 Toes to bar
25 V Ups
Accumulate 50 Seconds of L Hold
285 – heaviest 5 rep
9:00 rx
285 – heaviest 5 rep
9:00 rx
285 – heaviest 5 rep
9:00 rx