There is a shirt here to support ALL local Ventura Crossfit gyms – then we split the revenue. here is the link to buy the ventura shirt.
ALSO THIS RAD SHIRT below is also a way to give back , proceeds will be split up between affiliates across the world… CLICK the link
WOD 4 . 8 . 20
10 Rounds
1 min running or 10 calories or 20 mountain climbers
10 lunges
10 push press 95 / 65 ,
5 RIGHT ARM 5 LEFT ARM 50 / 35 DB , 53 / 35 KB
REST 1 min
During this time of CO – VID 19 , We are No longer running group classes anymore.
Doors will be open between 8 am and 6 pm if you need to trade equipment.
There is still alot of equipment , if anyone hasn’t taken any yet.
There will also be zoom video class at 830 , 12 and 4 pm going over the scales for each, and a chance to visit with the community.
ZOOM Classes
830 am
12 pm
4 pm