Thruster Roulette
WOD 10 . 1 . 18 ” Thruster Roulette ” Run 400m 15 Thrusters 135 / 95 Run 400m 25 Thrusters KBs 53/ 35 Run 400m 25 Thrusters DBs 50 / 35 Run 400m 45 Thrusters 45 / 35 barbell
WOD 10 . 1 . 18 ” Thruster Roulette ” Run 400m 15 Thrusters 135 / 95 Run 400m 25 Thrusters KBs 53/ 35 Run 400m 25 Thrusters DBs 50 / 35 Run 400m 45 Thrusters 45 / 35 barbell
Today we celebrate the bon voyage of Brian Mundy! Staple Noon stud ! He is off to Texas for a little while preparing for a new Job. We wish him the best and to be sent off he requested that we perform a WOD to remember him by a real bruiser. He was one of
Teams of 2 go through each station for 2 minutes for max reps, Rotate through each station 2 times. Assault bike ( 2 people share 1 bike ) Sledge hammer hits on tire. Tire Flips Sled pushes 50 ft high then 50ft low , then rotate with partner. 1 pt for every 10 ft. Burpee
WOD 9 . 26 . 18 ” The Plaza” 4 Rounds 15 Strict Pull ups 15 Deadlifts 225 / 155 60 Dubs 400m Run
WOD 9 . 24 . 18 A. Front Squat Party 4 reps front squat EMOM for 4 min Rest 1 min 3 reps front squat EMOM for 4 min Rest 1 min 2 reps front squat EMOM for 4 min Rest 1 min 1 rep front squat EMOM for 4 min B. Cash out
wod 9.24.18 A. Build to a heavy 3 rep push jerk B. “Overtime” 10 rounds 10 calorie row 10 push press 115/75 10 kbs 53/35 compare to June 26, 2018
WOD 9 . 21 . 18 ” Monkey Time ” 20 min AMRAP 3 Ring muscle ups ( scale 6 ctb pull ups ) 9 HSPU 15 box jumps 24 / 20
WOD 9 . 20 . 18 “Ante Up” 2 Rounds 5 Bar Facing Burpees 5 snatches 95 / 65 Straight into 2 Rounds 6 Bar Facing Burpees 4 snatches 115 / 75 Straight into 2 Rounds 7 Bar Facing Burpees 3 snatches 135 / 85 Straight into 2 Rounds 8 Bar Facing Burpees 2 snatches
WOD 9 . 19 . 18 This is a sister WOD to yesterday… Have Fun! ” Wild n out ” For time 1600m Run 150 Double unders 50 Deadlifts 185 / 125 15 Bar muscle ups
WOD 9 . 18 . 18 “Wild thing” For time 1000m Row 50 alternating pistols 40 Dumbbell push press 50 / 35 30 Hang power clean 185 / 125