War Machine
WOD 4 . 17 . 19 ” War Machine ” 5 Rounds 3 min AMRAP 15 / 12 calorie bike , can sub for rower or ski erg only if all bikes in use. 9 deadlifts 225 / 155 max burpees over the bar rest 3 minutes between rounds Repeat WOD from 2 . 5 […]
WOD 4 . 17 . 19 ” War Machine ” 5 Rounds 3 min AMRAP 15 / 12 calorie bike , can sub for rower or ski erg only if all bikes in use. 9 deadlifts 225 / 155 max burpees over the bar rest 3 minutes between rounds Repeat WOD from 2 . 5 […]
WOD 4 . 16 . 19 20 min AMRAP 5 pull ups ( strict ) 10 push ups ( make as hard as possible ) 15 squats ( If you have 20 pound vest , wear it )
WOD 4 . 15 . 19 7 Rounds 14 Dumbbell Snatch 50 / 35 25 ft OH Walking lunge DB 50 / 35 7 Hand Stand Push ups 25 ft OH walking lunge db 50 / 35 20 min CAP
April 12 . 19 For time Run 400m 30 OHS 95 / 65 Run 400m 30 Front Squat 135 / 95 Run 400m 30 Back Squats 185 / 125
April 10 . 19 For time 25 min cap 80 situps 40 air squats 20 ring dips ( scale with band ) 10 bar muscls ups ( scale with jumping bmu ) 800m run 10 bar muscle ups 20 ring dips 40 air squats 80 situps
WOD 4 . 9 . 19 The Ghost 6 rounds of 1 minute of rowing 1 minute of burpees 1 minute of double-unders 1 minute rest Try for as many reps as possible of EACH exercise, not just total score. Post separate totals of calories rowed, burpee reps and double-under reps completed to comments.
WOD 4 . 8 . 19 6 Rounds for time 6 Deadlifts 225 / 155 12 Strict Pull ups 24 Wall Balls
20 min EMOM odd : 3 Front squats from the ground Even : 12 calorie row As weight as needed.