WOD June 17 , 2019 5 Rounds for time 10 Back squats 155 / 95 10 Hang power cleans 155 / 95 10 Strict pull ups
WOD June 17 , 2019 5 Rounds for time 10 Back squats 155 / 95 10 Hang power cleans 155 / 95 10 Strict pull ups
12 min AMRAP 12 power clean 95 / 65 12 push press 95 / 65 12 burpees over the bar 10 x 100m Sprints on the minute.
for time Row 45 calories 15 Power snatch 115 / 75 45 wall balls 30 toes to bar 45 wall balls 15 power snatch 115 / 75 Row 45 calories
4 min EMOM : 4 Squat cleans with 1 split jerk after the last squat clean rep rest 2 minutes 4 min EMOM : 3 Squat cleans with 1 split jerk after the last squat clean rep rest 2 minutes 4 min EMOM : 2 Squat cleans with 1 split jerk after the last squat
Squat Clean Party with a Jerk Twist Read More »
3 Rounds 800m Run 30 KBS 70 / 53 30 Pull ups ( EVA is a girl wod which is usually 5 rounds ! , you are welcome ) . Scale intelligently, ask coaches for help.
8 Rounds 50 ‘ OH Walking lunge ( 25 ft down and 25 ft back ) 50/ 35 DB or KB 8 HSPU 8 Box Jump Over 20 min CAP
” Marching Maniac “ Read More »
For time Use a 135 / 95 barbell Row 700m 15 thruster 12 Power clean Row 500m 12 thruster 9 power clean Row 300m 9 thruster 7 Power clean
A. Back Squat : Use same weight for the 5 and 3s. build for the 1s. 2 x 5 3 x 3 4 x 1 B. Snatch : use same weight for the 5s and 3s , build for the singles. These are not touch n go. 2 x 5 3 x 3 4 x
A. Max distance handstand walk or practice shoulder taps : 3 min. B. The Exterminator 6 sets of 2 min AMRAPs 15 / 12 Cal Bike max reps in time remaining Odd Rounds : pull ups Even Rounds : push jerk 135 / 95 rest 2 minutes , score total reps.