Raise the Roof
Please join us Saturday for our Toy Drive, 830 am. We are starting to collect toys at the gym. Hope to see you all there! WOD 12 . 15 . 17 ” Raise the Roof ” 5 Rounds for time Run 250m 10 R arm DB push press 50 / 35 10 L arm DB […]
Please join us Saturday for our Toy Drive, 830 am. We are starting to collect toys at the gym. Hope to see you all there! WOD 12 . 15 . 17 ” Raise the Roof ” 5 Rounds for time Run 250m 10 R arm DB push press 50 / 35 10 L arm DB […]
2nd ANNUAL CrossTown TOY DRIVE – Bring a toy in the gym this week. Saturday at 830 am , we will have a big group workout to celebrate. Toys will be donated to the Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles. Any Toy for any age is appreciated. Unwrapped. Unopened. Last year we had over 50 Toys
A. Press Wave 3 Rounds 5 – 3 – 2 Use same weight for all sets of 5 , 3 and 2. For example, 5 reps at 95 # 3 reps at 115# 2 reps at 135# 5 reps at 95# 3 reps at 115 ETC. B. “Mario Cart ” 3 Rounds For Time
2nd ANNUAL CrossTown TOY DRIVE – Bring a toy in the gym this week. Saturday at 830 am , we will have a big group workout to celebrate. Toys will be donated to the Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles. Any Toy for any age is appreciated. Unwrapped. Unopened. Last year we had over 50
2nd ANNUAL CrossTown TOY DRIVE – Bring a toy in the gym this week. Saturday at 830 am , we will have a big group workout to celebrate. Toys will be donated to the Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles. Any Toy for any age is appreciated. Unwrapped. Unopened. Last year we had over 50 Toys
WOD 12 . 8 . 17 A. 5 x 6 steps Front Rack Walking lunges B. ” GI JOE ” AMRAP 11 100m Run 10 Overhead Squats 95 / 65 1 Rope Climb
A. 5 x 3 split jerk B. “Blizzard” 15 min amrap 5 clean and jerk 135 / 85 10 Wall Balls 15 KBS 53 / 35
Due to the air quality from the fire , I choose a WOD that is more muscle stamina and strength rather than having you breathe super heavy or running. We will keep the doors closed most of the day. If you or anyone you know needs any support let the community know – it takes
Teams of 2 AMRAP 20 10 Calorie Row 10 DB snatch 50 / 35 10 Box Jumps Partners complete full rounds before switching
WOD 12 . 4 . 17 A. Every 90 seconds for 7 rounds , build to a heavy : 2 rep hang squat clean B. ” Blitz ” For time : Buy In : 30 HSPU ( 3 min then move on ) 2 – 4 – 6 – 8 – 10 Burpee over the