Press Biathlon
7 . 30 . 20 400m run 18 press 115 / 75 400m run 15 press 115 / 75 400m run 12 press 115 / 75 every time the bar touches the ground , run a 250m penalty lap. If you need to break up a set more than once the second penalty lap is […]
7 . 30 . 20 400m run 18 press 115 / 75 400m run 15 press 115 / 75 400m run 12 press 115 / 75 every time the bar touches the ground , run a 250m penalty lap. If you need to break up a set more than once the second penalty lap is […]
7 . 29 . 20 Mobility tomorrow – 930 am “Hot cakes” 20 min AMRAP 21 OHS 45 / 35 15 calorie machine ( pick from ski , rower , bike ) 9 toes to bar
WOD 7 . 28 . 20 A. Front Squat emom 4 min x 4 reps Front Squat emom 4 min x 3 reps Front Squat emom 4 min x 2 reps Front Squat emom 4 min x 1 rep Add load each round. No Rack. Squat clean ok for first rep. B. Cash out 2500m
WOD 7 . 27 . 20 For time 6 Rounds Run 250m 9 burpees to target 2 rope climbs 20 min CAP
WOD 7 . 24 . 20 5 rounds 250m run 5 squat cleans 185 / 125 5 ring muscle ups Scale with 5 pull ups / 5 ring dips
WOD 7 . 23. 20 A. 7 x 3 split jerk building On the 2 minute B. Cash out With a partner 21 – 15 – 9 synchronized burpee to target Synchronized sit-ups
WOD 7 . 22 . 20 For time Row 1000m 50 wall ball 30 power snatch 135 / 85 50 wall ball Row 1000m
WOD 7 . 21 . 20 A. Back squat on the 2 minute. 3 rounds of 6 – 4 – 2 increase each set , then decrease when you go back to 6. -Example 6 reps 100 , 4 reps 110 , 2 reps 20 then 6 reps 105 , 4 reps 115 , 2
7 . 17 . 20 21 thrusters 95 / 65 21 pull ups 400m run 15 KB thrusters 53 / 35 15 ctb pull ups 400m run 9 DB thrusters 50# / 35# 9 bar muscle ups 400m run 30 wall balls 20 / 14