3. 18.20
If you want to borrow a KB for home WODS next week , let me know. At this time , we are still really focused on keeping the facility as clean as we can and I appreciate all your help with wiping the equipment down so well.
Thanks to all of you that are coming outside of class times to keep the class numbers lower. I really appreciate it.
If y Have fun , be safe , and we can get through this safely. Here is also a quick home workout if you like. The home wods next week will have a Kb in them.
Home WOD 3
Tabata 8 sets 20 sec work , 10 sec rest
jump rope
v ups
Group classes will proceed as usual
12 min AMRAP
10 db snatch alternating
10 db ohs ( any arm )
10 toes to bar
40 dubs