WOD 2 . 1. 19 730 Mobility class , great for fine tuning your body and increasing recovery. ” Row Rage “ 3 Rounds for time 500m row 100 Dubs 3 Rope Climbs
WOD 2 . 1. 19 730 Mobility class , great for fine tuning your body and increasing recovery. ” Row Rage “ 3 Rounds for time 500m row 100 Dubs 3 Rope Climbs
WOD 1 . 31 . 19 “top shelf” 5 rounds 10 sumo deadlift high pull 95/65 10 HSPU Straight into 5 rounds 10 thruster 95/65 10 pullups ( no butterfly ) kip ok.
WOD 1 . 30 . 19 5 rep Bench press ( 5 sets or less ) 3 rep OHS from the rack ( 6 sets or less ) 2 rep touch and go squat snatch ( 7 sets or less )
Wod 1 . 29 . 19 A. EMOM 7 min , 3 touch and go clean and jerk ( skill ) B. Grace 30 clean and jerk 135 / 95 C. 7 min AMRAP 25 situps 10m hand stand walk , scale 20 m Bear crawl
JT the sports massage specialist will be here today , Monday! highly recommend using his services ( thera gun , active release , deep tissue ) to increase performance. WOD 1 . 28 . 19 ” Wile e Coyote ” Amrap 25 400m Run 25 Wall balls 7 ring muscle ups ( scale with 7
Wod 1.25.19 A. Run 1600m ( last time we will repeat this ) B. “Slevin “ 7 rounds 7 power clean 95 /65 7 thrusters 95/65 7 burpees over the bar
Wod 1.23.19 Back squat 8-8-8-8 Press 4-4-4-4 Deadlift 2-2-2-2 Score max load for each.
Wod 1.22.19 Rotate 20 seconds at each station with 10 second rest until 8 rounds of each are completed L – sit kB swing 53/35 Push press 115/75 Box jumps Push ups
Wod January 21 , 2019 Squatting Annie 10 front squats 155/105 50 sit-ups 50 double unders 10 front squats 40 sit-ups 40 double unders 10 front squats 30 situps 30 dubs 10 front squats 20 sit-ups 20 dubs 10 front squats 10 situps 10 dubs