WOD 8 . 1 . 19 5 Rounds for max reps Body Weight / 75% body weight : Bench Press Superset with Max reps pull ups Rest as needed between sets. Score total for each
WOD 8 . 1 . 19 5 Rounds for max reps Body Weight / 75% body weight : Bench Press Superset with Max reps pull ups Rest as needed between sets. Score total for each
7 . 30 . 19 A. 3 Sets of Overhead lunges 8 steps B. 3 sets of Front rack lunges 8 steps C. 3 x 3 min AMRAP 500m Row Max reps HSPU Rest 2 min between rounds
WOD 7 . 29 . 19 Rotate through each of the 4 stations with 20 seconds of max reps with 10 seconds rest. Go through each station 8 rounds. Score max reps. Bike Cals Push Ups KettleBell Swings 53 / 35 box jumps 24 / 20
WOD 7 . 26 . 19 AMRAP 21 Run 400m 28 wall balls 7 bar muscle ups , scale with jumping or banded bar muscle ups 1 – 1
WOD 7 . 25 . 19 Front squat wave 3 Rounds 5 reps light , 3 reps medium , 1 rep heavy. then repeat 3 rounds. For time Row 1000m 50 situps 50 russian kbs 50 situps
Front Squat strength Read More »
WOD 7 . 24 . 19 6 Rounds 8 power snatch 8 bar facing burpees Rd 1 – 2 use 135 / 95 Rd 3 – 4 use 115 / 75 Rd 5 – 6 use 95 / 65
WOD July 23rd , 2019 A. Build over 7 sets of the following complex : 1 push press 1 push jerk 2 split jerk B. Cash out 100m sprints 0n the minute for 10 minutes.
Shoulder to overhead complex Read More »
WOD 7 / 22 / 19 For time 1 – 10 Squat clean thruster ( cluster ) 135 / 95 After every set of clusters perform 1 Round of Cindy, strict as possible. Cindy = 5 pull ups , 10 push ups , 15 air squats
Cluster Rendezvous Read More »
July 19th, 2019 “ the butcher “ 18 min amrap 3 power clean 185/125 3 ring muscle ups 9 bar facing burpees ( Scale muscle ups as 3 pull ups then 3 dips )