WOD 2 . 28 . 20 “CINDY” 20 min AMRAP 5 pull ups 10 push ups 15 squats
WOD 2 . 27 . 20 A. 7 Rounds 7 Power cleans 165 / 115 7 Push Jerks 165 / 115 B. “Hollow Simon Says” 4 x 1 min rounds
Wod 2 . 26 . 20 5 Rounds 3 Power snatch 135 / 85 15 / 12 calorie row 3 Power snatch 135 / 85 15 wall balls
WOD 2 . 25 . 20 A. 6 x 2 press B. 5×3 push press C. 10 min EMOM gymnastics pulling. 1 – 3 reps.
WOD 2 . 24 . 20 6 x 2:00 min Rounds Buy in every round 250m RUN Then max reps of the following. Max Calories Bike Max Thrusters 95 / 65 Max Burpees Max Calories Bike Max thrusters 95 / 65 Max burpees Score reps for each movement. Rest 1 min between Rounds
PRE SALE HATS $24 Retail ( day hats arrive next week ) $32 sign up on whiteboard… WOD 2 . 21.20 Lynne 5 Rounds max reps bench press Body weight and 75% body weight for woman superset Max reps pullups Rest as needed.
PRE SALE HATS $24 Retail ( day hats arrive next week ) $32 sign up on whiteboard… WOD 2 . 20 . 20 A. 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 -3 front Squat , no rack. B. 10 Min Practice Planks, holds and handstands
Front Squat from the ground
PRE SALE HATS $24 Retail ( day hats arrive next week ) $32 sign up on whiteboard… WOD 2 . 19 .20 Love Triangle 6 min amrap 10 alternating hang snatch DB 10 toes to bar Rest 3 min 6 min AMRAP 10 alternating hang snatch DB 35 DUBS rest 3 min 6 min AMRAP
PRE SALE HATS $24 Retail ( day hats arrive next week ) $32 sign up on whiteboard… WOD 2 . 18 . 20 A. 6 x 2 Press – same weight for all sets B. 5 x 3 Push Press – same weight across all sets C. 10 min EMOM gymnastics pulling. 1 – 5
SCHEDULE : For Presidents Day Only Class times : 830 am 12 pm 330 pm kids class 515pm ( Coach Nicks last class ๐ PRE SALE HATS $24 Retail ( day hats arrive next week ) $32 sign up on whiteboard… ” Presidents Day WOD “ 2 person teams 5 Rounds for time 400m Run
Presidents Day WOD