Water Falls
9 . 24 . 20 EMOM 20 Odd row 15 / 12 cals Even 5 ring muscle ups Scale muscle ups with pull ups and dips
9 . 24 . 20 EMOM 20 Odd row 15 / 12 cals Even 5 ring muscle ups Scale muscle ups with pull ups and dips
WOD 9 . 23 . 20 Every 15 seconds for 10 min 1 rep Squat clean and jerk Pick a weight and stick to it for 10 min. Should be tough. Cash out Relay races run 100m x 3 250 x 2 400m x 1 250 m x1 100m x 1
Sword in the stone Read More »
9 . 22 . 20 For time Buy In 70 cal row Immediately into 7 rounds 7 deadlifts 225 / 155 7 box jumps 30 / 24
WOD 9 . 21 . 20 3 rounds 21 thrusters 115/75 21 ctb pull ups scale to finish within 15 minutes.
9 . 18 . 20 AMRAP 16 4 power snatch 115 / 75 8 pistols ( scale with lunges ) 12 push ups
WOD 9 . 16 . 20 A. Back squat 7 x 3 building Cash out B. 100 OHS 75 / 55 for time every drop run 100m 10 min CAP
Back Squat Strength Read More »
WOD 9 . 15 . 20 5 Rounds for time 21 cal row 15 pull ups 9 burpee box jump overs 24 / 20 20 min CAP
Wod 9 . 14 . 20 Background: In honor of US Air Force SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on Feburary, 20 2009 supporting operations in OEF when his vehicle was struck by an IED. Timothy was survived by his wife Megan and his son, T.J., who was one year old when he passed.