Live Love Lift
6 . 3 . 20 EMOM 20 ODD : 15 / 12 cal row EVEN 5 heavy deadlifts
6 . 2 . 20 We have been permitted to open and run classes. There will be restrictions and guidelines coming shortly , until then we will run classes as usual. 530 am 830 am ( if this class is crowded , it will be split and have a hard cap ) 12 noon 330
WOD 6 . 1 . 20 Perform 1 round every min for as long as possible. Max 24 rounds, If you fail before 20 min , take 1 round off , lower the reps and continue. 5 burpees 10 air squats 15 dubs 830 Zoom link 12 Zoom Link KIDS Class 1 pm
may 29th 2020 Amrap 20 30 double unders or 30 singles 20 situps 1 round 5 deadlifts 135 / 85 or use a db or kb use any arm. 4 push jerks 3 front squats 30 double unders 20 situps 2 rounds 5 deadlifts 4 front squats 3 push jerks Add another round each round.
WOD May 28 th , 2020 6 Rounds 9 thrusters 95 / 65 or 5 left arm and 5 right arm single arm thrusters 100m Run 30 sec out and 30 sec back Straight into 3 rounds 15 thrusters 95 / 65 or 8 single arm right and 8 single arm left 400m run or
May 27 2020 3 min SUMO Deadlift High Pull 115 / 75 3 Min Box Jumps 30 / 24 rest 1 min 2 min SUMO Deadlift High Pull 115 / 75 2 Min Box Jumps 30 / 24 rest 1 min 1 min SUMO Deadlift High Pull 115 / 75 1 Min Box Jumps Rest
WOD 5 . 26 . 20 AMRAP 17 20 burpees 30 KBS or hang clean with barbell with 75 / 55 50 double unders 830 Zoom link 12 Zoom Link KIDS Class 1 pm
May 25th, 2020 No Zoom today ( we are giving the coaches a day off too ). Today we are doing the CrossFit HQ mainsite workout… Remember today is about honoring the fallen that gave up their life for our freedom. All Are deserving of our thoughts and full efforts. Post your hero to
Memorial Day Hero WOD Read More »
May 22.20 For time 4 rounds run 400m 1 min out and 1 min back 21 -18-15-12 thrusters thrusters- use anything heavy , dbs , kbs or a heavy barbell. 135/95 but scale to something you can do in 3 sets maximum 830 zoom 12 zoom 1 pm kids
May 21 2020 emom 10 min corona complex add weight as much as possible without letting gonof bar through the complex. If you dont have equipment to add weight , try adding another rep to each. 4 instead of 3. 3 deadlifts 3 hang clean 3 front squay 3 push jerk 12 min abs3 rounds