Free Bird
WOD 4 . 29 . 19 A. 10 min EMOM 3 rep touch n go snatch ( building ) B. Freedom Bird 21 – 15 – 9 Calorie row power snatch 115 / 75 burpee over bar
WOD 4 . 29 . 19 A. 10 min EMOM 3 rep touch n go snatch ( building ) B. Freedom Bird 21 – 15 – 9 Calorie row power snatch 115 / 75 burpee over bar
WOD 4 . 25 . 19 For time Run 500m 15 Squat clean thrusters 135 / 95 150 Dubs 15 Squat clean thrusters 135 / 95 Run 500m
A. max height box jump , one step B. 10 Rounds 1 rope climb 10 push ups 10 Box Jumps 1 50 ‘ sled push
WOD 4 . 24 . 19 A. 1 set 20 reps back squat with 60% B. 3 sets of 10 push press c. 5 sets of 5 strict pull ups ( add weight if you can ) Use a partner for assistance for strict pull up help. Coaches will demo D. 1 set of 250m
4 . 23 . 19 A. Zombie on Fire 3 Rounds for time Row 500m Run 400m Rest 1 minute Score total time B. AB – 30 5 Rounds 10 seconds L sit 20 seconds hollow hold 30 second plank rest 1 minute.
4 . 19 . 19 Big Cheese 10 Push Jerk 155 / 105 20 toes to bar 30 Wall Balls 40 Russian KB Swings 50 Calorie Row 40 Russian kb swings 30 Wall Balls 20 toes to bar 10 Push Jerk 155 / 105
WOD 4 . 17 . 19 ” War Machine ” 5 Rounds 3 min AMRAP 15 / 12 calorie bike , can sub for rower or ski erg only if all bikes in use. 9 deadlifts 225 / 155 max burpees over the bar rest 3 minutes between rounds Repeat WOD from 2 . 5
WOD 4 . 16 . 19 20 min AMRAP 5 pull ups ( strict ) 10 push ups ( make as hard as possible ) 15 squats ( If you have 20 pound vest , wear it )
April 12 . 19 For time Run 400m 30 OHS 95 / 65 Run 400m 30 Front Squat 135 / 95 Run 400m 30 Back Squats 185 / 125