split squats
5/23/24 A. Bulgarian split squat 5 x 6 reps each side on the 3 min use 2 dbs B. partner amrap 14 share 10 devils press share 30 cals
5/23/24 A. Bulgarian split squat 5 x 6 reps each side on the 3 min use 2 dbs B. partner amrap 14 share 10 devils press share 30 cals
5/21/24 A. Push Jerk 5 x 5 B. row relay 4 min each 3 min each 2 min each 1 min each use a running clock , score for total meters accumulated.
wod 5/20/21 5 rounds 50 double unders 15 toes to bar 10 front squats 135 / 85
semis scaled Wod 2 Read More »
AMRAP 20 100M RUN 5 deadlifts 225 /155 3 bar muscle up
Big Toys Small Run Read More »
5/16/24 AMRAP 20 Odd: run 100m Even: bench press 5 reps build as needed. B. cash out 7 rounds 15 seconds Ring support 15 second rest 15 second hollow Hold 15 second rest
5 / 15 / 25 5 rounds 1 legless rope climb 10 american KBS 70/53 1 legless rope climb 10 box jump over 30 / 24
5/14/24 A. 4 sets of 4 reps 4 seconds pause squat B. 5 x 2 front squat c.Partner amrap 12 10 / 8 cal bike each one at a time 8 burpee each one at a time
5 / 13 / 24 5 rounds 400m run 10 clean and jerks 155/105
Semifinal #1 Scaled Read More »