cliff hanger
amrap 25 run 250 5 hang power clean 5 front squat 5 push press 5 back squat use 95 / 65 bar
amrap 25 run 250 5 hang power clean 5 front squat 5 push press 5 back squat use 95 / 65 bar
A. deadlift 5 – 5 – 5 building deadlift 3 – 3 – 3- 3-3 across B. amrap 12 100m run 10m walking lunge 12 db snatch 50 / 35 10 walking lunge
3 rounds 30 cal row 30 wall ball 30 pull ups 30 medball situps
360 degrees of reps Read More »
A. 12 min build slow in the following complex snatch deadlift + snatch pull + hang snatch + power snatch B. AMRAP 10 1 burpee over the bar 1 power snatch 135 / 95 2 burpees over bar 2 snatch etc till 10 min
AMRAP 25 3 rounds of 5 toes to bar 10 kbs 53 / 35 15 air squats then run 400m after 3 rounds
830 class only – partner wod AMRAP 30 while one person rows 500m / 400m other person does AMRAP of : 10 lunges 10 plate ground to overhead 45# / 25# 10 situps
11 / 23 / 23 830 class only Run 400M with ball100 Step ups with ballRun 400M with ball100 CaloriesRun 400M with ball100 toes to barRun 400M with ball100 CalsRun 400M with ball100 Step upsRun 400M with ball With a friend, never let the ball touch the ground
11 / 22 / 23 AMRAP 20 1 round of cindy 100m run 2 rounds of cindy 100m run x 2 3 rounds of cindy 100m run x 3 keep this patter till 20 min mark. 1 round of cindy = 5 pull up 10 push up 15 air squat
11 / 21 / 23 10 rounds each , rotate full rounds , 30 min cap 200m row 3 front squat from the ground 185 / 125
11/ 20 / 23 AMRAP 15 5 deadlift 225 / 155 10 Box jumps 30 / 24 5 deadlifts 10 HSPU
Diane’s Bounce House Read More »