WOD 8 . 17 . 18 A. 5 x 3 weighted Pull ups B. “Journey” 16 min AMRAP 8 pull ups 10m overhead walking lunges 50 / 35 L arm 8 burpees 10m overhead walking lunges 50/ 35 R arm
WOD 8 . 17 . 18 A. 5 x 3 weighted Pull ups B. “Journey” 16 min AMRAP 8 pull ups 10m overhead walking lunges 50 / 35 L arm 8 burpees 10m overhead walking lunges 50/ 35 R arm
WOD 8 . 16 . 18 A. Handstand walking 8 Rounds : 20 seconds handstand walk followed by 20 seconds rest for max distance. Score total distance. Scale with attempts , holds on the wall or planks. B. “Bobs Big Boy” 5 Rounds 10 Deadlifts 225/135 20 Wall balls Compare to 2.3.16
WOD 8 . 14 . 18 A. Front Squat 5 – 5 – 5 – 5 – 5 Do a set every 3 minutes. B. ” Big Foot ” 9 – 7 – 5 Squat Clean 185 / 125 50 Double unders after each set
For time Run 400m 3 Rope Climbs 30 DB Push Press 50 / 35 Run 400m 2 Rope Climb 20 DB Push Press Run 400m 1 Rope Climb 10 DB Push Press
WOD 8 . 10 . 18 ” Touch Back ” For time 100 Double unders 20 Thrusters 95 / 65 30 Toes to bar 40 Burpees 30 Toes to bar 20 Thrusters 95 / 65 100 Double unders
WOD 8 . 9 . 18 The hydrostatic dunk tank will be here today! $39 for re-test and $49 for first timers. I HIGHLY recommend this to know your Body Fat. Knowing where you are at in terms of Body Fat is HUGE for gains, since we lose fat and gain lean muscle and muscle
WOD 8 . 8 . 18 ” Cowboy Ninja Viking ” 5 Rounds Run 250m 12 Strict Hand Stand Push ups ( scale with strict push ups ) 20 / 16 Calorie row
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WOD 8 . 6 . 18 CrossFit Total 1 RM Back squat 1 RM strict press 1 RM deadlift Athletes will have 15min to establish a 1RM at each station. Add totals together to find you score.