Workout, Happening, and Updates at CROSSTOWN ATHLETICS
The Blog
Snatch Sandwich
January 10th , 2024 A. Turkish get ups 10 reps Right 10 reps left B. Amrap 16 4 snatch 95 / 65 8 box jumps
Clean and Jerk party
January 9th , 2024 A. 7 min EMOM x 3 reps power clean and push jerk 7 min EMOM x 2 reps power clean and
Hard Road
January 8th , 2024 For Time 3 rounds 400m run 30 situps Straight into : 3 rounds 250m Medball run 20 / 14 20 V
Helen’s Abs
January 5th, 2023 Every 5 min for 5 rounds 400m run 21 KBS 53 / 35 12 toes to bar
Back Squats Strength
January 4th , 2023 A. Back squat 2 x 5 across 3 x 3 across 5 x 1 building B. 21 – 15 – 9
Its a Banger
January 3rd, 2023 5 rounds 250m run or 15 cal machine 15 deadlifts 225 / 155 50 double unders
January 2nd, 2023 5 pull ups 10 push ups 15 air squats If you have completed 20 rounds or more of this wod , wear
Burn off 2023
Friday December 29th , 2023 AMRAP 25 Run 500m Row 500m 15 cal bike / ski 50 double unders
Basic Triplet
Thursday December 28th, 2023 AMRAP 15 10 deadlift 185 / 125 10 box jumps 24 / 20 10 push ups
Thruster strength
Wednesday December 27th , 2023 A. Thruster from rack 7 x 3 building B. Partner amrap 12 , rotate full rounds 100m run 10 wall
Pot of Gold
Tuesday hours : 830 am , 12 pm and 415 pm 8 x 2 min rounds , 2 min rest 15 / 12 calorie machine
Merry Christmas
Closed. Spend time with your families. Tomorrow gym hours are 830 am , 12 and 415 pm.
Wild Goose Chase
12 / 21 / 23 AMRAP 21 21 cal machine 21 situps 15 cal machine 15 KBS 53 / 35 9 cal machine 9 strict
Big Shoulder
12/20/23 10 rounds each , rotate full rounds 200m row 4 Push jerk from the ground 155 / 105
Front Squat SWOD
12/19/23 A. Front Squat 5 – 5 – 5 3 – 3 – 3 1 – 1- 1 B. Partner AMRAP 10 – rotate full
Snatching Chief
12/18/23 5 x 3 min rounds , rest 1 min 3 power snatch 135 / 95 6 push ups 9 air squats
Barbell bench press SWOD
12/14/23 A. bench wave x 3 5 – 3 – 1 B. Partner amrap 10 max reps man maker with 2xDB 50 / 35
Take me Higher
12/13/23 AMRAP 24 400m run 25 wall balls 20 / 14 7 bar muscle ups * scale with 7 jumping bar muscle ups or kipping
Hot Seat
12/11/23 6 x 3 min rounds with 3 min rest 15 / 12 cal bike 10 push press 115 / 75 max burpees over the
The Armada
12 / 6 / 23 For time 1 -2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 Squat cleans 5-10-15-20-25-20-15-10-5 cal machine Use 185 / 125 barbell
Pressing Strength
12 / 5 / 23 A. 5 x 2 Press building B. 5 x 3 Push Press building C. AMRAP 10 25 double unders 12
cliff hanger
amrap 25 run 250 5 hang power clean 5 front squat 5 push press 5 back squat use 95 / 65 bar
deadlift strength
A. deadlift 5 – 5 – 5 building deadlift 3 – 3 – 3- 3-3 across B. amrap 12 100m run 10m walking lunge 12
Snatch complex
A. 12 min build slow in the following complex snatch deadlift + snatch pull + hang snatch + power snatch B. AMRAP 10 1 burpee
3 Beats Run
AMRAP 25 3 rounds of 5 toes to bar 10 kbs 53 / 35 15 air squats then run 400m after 3 rounds
Black Friday
830 class only – partner wod AMRAP 30 while one person rows 500m / 400m other person does AMRAP of : 10 lunges 10 plate
Turkey trot
11 / 23 / 23 830 class only Run 400M with ball100 Step ups with ballRun 400M with ball100 CaloriesRun 400M with ball100 toes to
Cindy on the RUN
11 / 22 / 23 AMRAP 20 1 round of cindy 100m run 2 rounds of cindy 100m run x 2 3 rounds of cindy
Fire Lake
11 / 21 / 23 10 rounds each , rotate full rounds , 30 min cap 200m row 3 front squat from the ground 185
Diane’s Bounce House
11/ 20 / 23 AMRAP 15 5 deadlift 225 / 155 10 Box jumps 30 / 24 5 deadlifts 10 HSPU
Push Sumo Jump
11 / 15 / 23 AMRAP 15 10 push press 10 Sumo deadlift high pull 10 wall balls 50 double unders Use 95 / 65
Power clean party
4 min EMOM x 5 reps – rest 1 min 4 min EMOM x 3 reps – rest 1 min 4 min EMOM x 2
3 quatro Quarters
11 / 13 / 23 3 rounds 100m farmer carry 50/35 DB or KB 75 double unders 500m run 25 calorie machine
Beat the street
11 / 10 / 23 AMRAP 18 3 clean and jerks 165 / 115 7 toes to bar 13 calories
11 – 9 – 23 7 x 2 min rounds 250m run 7 deadlifts 275 max double unders rest 2 min
Front Squat SWOD
10 x 3 Front Squat – pause 3 seconds on first rep build every 2 sets Cash out AMRAP 12 – rotate full rounds with
Body weight workout
11/ 6 / 23 3 rounds 500m run 40 air squats 30 push ups 20 pull ups 10 burpees rest 2 min between sets ,
Love triangle
11 – 3 – 23 AMRAP 6 10 Overhead squats 75 / 55 35 double unders rest 3 min AMRAP 6 13 push ups 35
Jerks on a Boat
11 – 2 – 23 EMOM 20 ODD 15 // 12 calories Even 3 clean and jerks : pick a heavy weight
Costume WOD
WOD 10 – 31 – 23 630 pm class is closed for the Holiday ! A. Deadlift 10 x 3 build every 2 sets B.
Starter Pack
WOD 10 – 30 – 23 AMRAP 20 5 squat cleans 135 / 95 10 Toes to bar 15 calories on any machine
soldier boy
10 / 27 / 23 5 rounds 15 cal machine 12 deadlift 9 hang power clean 6 front squats 155 / 105 barbell
Bench Press Wave
10 / 26 / 23 A. Bench Press 3 x ( 5 – 3 – 2 – ) building B. Partner amrap 12 wall walk
Big Bird
10 / 25 / 23 5 rounds 100m run 10 DB snatch 50 / 35 2 bar muscle up Every round , add 100m run
Barbell Thruster Strength
10 / 24 / 23 Thruster 10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2 Building from Rack B. Cash out 10 rounds each rest
Sweat me a River
10 / 23 / 23 AMRAP 20 400m run 20 toes to bar 40 double unders 20 cal machine
Calorie Lover
10 / 20 / 2023 AMRAP 20 10 thruster 95 /65 10 cal machine 10 ctb pull ups 10 cal machine
Deadlift strength
10 / 19 / 23 A. Deadlift 10 sets of 3 reps Build every 2 sets B. AMRAP 10 Cash out 20 situps 15 Russian
Fast Twitch Siesta
10/18/2023 7 Rounds Each , rotate full rounds or rest 2 min. 10 Wall Balls 20/14 10 Box Jump Overs 24/20 10 Db Snatch 50/35
Pause Squats
11/17/2023 A. 8 sets of 3 BACK SQUAT ( Pause 3 seconds on first rep of each set ) B. Partner AMRAP 12 Buy In
Easy Money
WOD 10/16/23 3 rounds 400m run 21 ground to overhead 95 / 65 15 burpees over the bar
AMRAP 17 15 front squats 5 burpees over bar 25 double unders 12 hang cleans 5 burpees over bar 25 double unders 9 squat cleans
Rings to Finish
6 x 2 min rounds , rest 2 min 200m row 5 deadlifts 275 / 175 max ring dips
Fifty Shades of Fitness
3 rounds 500m run 40 plate ground to overhead 45 # 30 weighted situps 15# DB 20 burpees to plate
Power clean Sandwich
6 rounds for time 3 power clean 155 / 105 12 box jumps 24 / 20 3 power cleans 12 hand stand push ups
Lunge Strength
A. 4 sets of 6 steps Front rack back step lunge B. 6 sets of 4 steps back rack back step lunge C. Amrap 12
High Bar , Dead Bar
9 / 29 / 23 AMRAP 16 4 bar muscle ups 100m run 10 deadlifts 185 / 125 100m run
Big Row
9 / 27 / 23 10 rounds each 200m row 3 clean and jerk 185 / 125 You Go , I GO full rounds style
3 quatro quarters
9 / 25 / 23 3 rounds 100m farmer carry 50 / 35 DB or KB 75 double unders Run 500m 25 cal machine
2 stroke engine
9 / 22 / 23 5 rounds 100m run 7 push jerks 135 / 95 straight into 5 rounds 7 box jumps 30 / 24
Hot Plate
9 – 15 – 23 For time 10 rounds 3 power clean 155 / 105 6 toes to bar 9 wall balls
Bench Press SWOD
9 – 14 – 23 A. Bench 5 – 5 3 – 3 -3 1 – 1 – 1- 1 B. Relay Race AMRAP 13
Devils Hopscotch
9 – 13 – 23 10 rounds each , rotating full rounds 200m row 4 devils press 50 / 35
Team Jack
9 – 11 – 23 Team Jack AMRAP 20 10 push press 115 / 75 10 KBS 53 / 35 10 box jumps 24 /
CrossFit Basic Brutality
9 / 7 / 23 5 rounds 250m run 20 Box jumps 24 / 20 20 KBS 53 / 35
Squat Platter
9 / 6 / 23 A. overhead squat 10 – 10 B. front squat 5 – 5 – 5 C. Back Squat 3 – 3
Labor Day 830 only
9/4 / 2023 830 class only. Partner WOD 5 Rounds 400m run together 40 Db snatch 50 Push Ups 60 Air Squats
Fast and Furious
9 – 1 – 23 6 sets , rotate full rounds with a partner or rest 2 min as an alternative 21 wall balls 15
Time to Jerk
8 – 31 – 23 EMOM 20 ODD : 100m run EVEN : 5 Jerks from the ground , pick a heavy weight , but
Melting Ice
NIGHT CLASSES CANCELLED TODAY ONLY – NO 415 , 530 , 630 PM AMRAP 20 100m run 10 wall balls 1 power clean 185 /